pp108 : Enabling DoS Attack Prevention (Deprecated)

Enabling DoS Attack Prevention (Deprecated)

This topic describes the procedure to enable the Denial of Service (DoS) attack prevention property.

A Denial of Service (DoS) attack is an attempt to deny the legitimate users a particular service on the network. Some of the common examples include:

  • flooding a network
  • choking transmission lines
  • disrupting connections between two machines thereby denying access to a service by a legitimate user
    You can prevent this using the Platform Properties of Management Console.
  1. In a Windows-based computer, click Start > Programs > <Process Platform Version> > <Instance Name> > Tools > Management Console.
    Note: In a Linux-based computer,
  2. Launch Terminal.
  3. Type CD <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/bin.
  4. Execute ./cmc.sh
    The Management Console window appears.
  5. Click Security Properties in the Management Console window.
  6. If you are accessing Security Properties for the first time, you must type the password for accessing Management Console, else go to the next step. The Security Properties page appears and the DoS Attack tab is displayed by default.
  7. Select the Enable DoS Attack prevention option in the DoS Attack tab to enable DoS attack prevention.
  8. Process Platform provides few default properties in the DoS Attack page. Refer to DoS Properties for more information on the default DoS properties. Depending on the application requirements, you can modify the property values in this page . The below steps list the procedure for modifying the properties:
    1. Double-click the required property on the DoS Attack page.
    2. Click OK. The property is modified. You can repeat the above steps for all the properties you want to modify.
  9. Depending on the security requirements of your organization, you may want additional properties excluding the properties provided by Process Platform. If you want add any such properties, perform the steps given below. Else, skip this step.
    1. Click to add a new DoS property. The Add Property window appears.
    2. Type the name and value of the property in the respective fields, and click OK. The new DoS property is added.
  10. Click to save the changes.
    The DoS attack prevention is enabled.